Enact a Federal List of Animal Abusers

Enact a Federal List of Animal Abusers

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Enact a Federal List of Animal Abusers

Addressed to: Canadian Federal Government

Animal Abuse must be taken much more seriously then it has been up to this point. 

It is time the Canadian Federal Government enact a national Animal-Abuse Registry so that ALL animal abusers, animal rapists, illegal breeders, poachers, animal killers and those that engage in horrific and senseless crimes against animals, can be tracked and their crimes recorded.

Right now there is no such history being recorded and nothing to raise any red flags when a person that has committed many crimes against animals in the past is caught or prosecuted. Thus such criminals get off easy with pathetic fines or probation. 

Animal abuse comes in many many different forms and those with histories need to be dealt with much more severely by the courts and not allowed to get off easy and continue their barbaric and sadistic terrible crimes. To many innocent animals are being severely abused, beaten, raped, or killed by individuals that are either mentally ill, severely cruel, or just sick in the head and enjoy hurting defenseless animals.

A Canada-Wide Registry would detail these terrible people's crimes and can be used as solid evidence in court to make sure those that choose to abuse, rape, beat or kill animals are dealt with extremely seriously by our courts and not allowed to get off easy and continue their brutally cruel acts of sickening violence against innocent and defenseless animals. 


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