Exemplary punishment for the man who attacked and killed his dog with his truck

Exemplary punishment for the man who attacked and killed his dog with his truck

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Exemplary punishment for the man who attacked and killed his dog with his truck

Addressed to: Government of Chile

We cannot continue to allow these situations recur!


In Chile there is no strict law criminalizing animal abuse so we demand our government to stop the deaf done and do something about it!

We want effective jail term for offenders and abusers of animals, we want the abusers to be punished with exemplary sentence and that these situations are not repeated.

That's why now we ask the judicial authorities to do everything possible for this person to go jail and set a precedent, collecting all the feeling of the community to apply the fullest extent of the law against the author of this crime.

The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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