Let enter small or medium dogs into public premises

Let enter small or medium dogs into public premises

people signed. Let's get to 20,000!

Let enter small or medium dogs into public premises

Addressed to: Government of Spain

One goes for a walk with your dog around town and try to do some errands but we find it impossible to enter certain public places and there are many places where dogs are banned and therefore we are too.

In Spain is the owner of the establishment that decides whether or not allow to enter our dog so we never know where we can or we cannot enter. If we have all the papers of our dog in rule and they have their microchip I do not see why they cannot allow to enter.

That's why we need a law to clarify this issue and allow us to move with our dogs freely, both in public and private establishments and transport.

The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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