Let's close the "Great Circus Alaska"

Let's close the "Great Circus Alaska"

people signed. Let's get to 20,000!

Let's close the "Great Circus Alaska"

Addressed to: Mayor of Sevilla

The day before yesterday i went to some friends home, I began to hear them speak of some graffitis against animal abuse, I asked them what happened and they explained that by the old slaughterhouse, in Ronda Tamarguillo, there is the so called "Great Circus Alaska" which works with animals (llamas, camels, horses, monkeys, etc.). I was horrified as expected, what is that to work with animals in the circus? Does an animal is a clown?

We are all aware of the conditions in which these animals live, there is no right to force them to give a "show" by battering them, because everyone who knows the circus knows how this is all about.

Please, I only ask you to sign, and give voice to these poor animals, so gradually could get circuses have no animal shows, so they can be free again.


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