Let's save the greyhounds from those who are cruelly killing them in retaliation for the Law that prohibits dog races

Let's save the greyhounds from those who are cruelly killing them in retaliation for the Law that prohibits dog races

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Let's save the greyhounds from those who are cruelly killing them in retaliation for the Law that prohibits dog races

Addressed to: Mr. President and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation.

For some years in reprisal to the prohibition of greyhound racing in different provinces, and now nationally, they are killing greyhounds in imaginable ways, many of them mutilated, burned, or beaten to death.

The National Government, the Chamber of Deputies, is requested to promote a law that considers animal abuse and murder as a criminal offense with a prison sentence.

We cannot continue to allow animals to be killed in these cruel ways without those responsible paying for it with the jail.


The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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