Relocation of Los Angeles private shelter with more than 250 stray animals

Relocation of Los Angeles private shelter with more than 250 stray animals Closed

people signed. Let's get to 20,000!

Relocation of Los Angeles private shelter with more than 250 stray animals

Addressed to: Carlos Eduardo Durán Franco. Mayor of Caldas Antioquia

Los Angeles is a private organization dedicated to the rescue, recovery, and adoption of dogs in a state of emergency and abandonment.

The mayor of Caldas sent them an eviction notice that will have to take place in a few days, but they don't offer any solution. The life of over 250 animals is on the line.

We all need to let this politicians know that they can't do whatever they want. Let's ask the town to relocate them in a place that guarantees them care and a good life quality for these defenseless creatures.


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Reasons for signing

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