Save the stray dogs

Save the stray dogs

people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Save the stray dogs

Addressed to: Government of Mexico and 3 more

Animal abuse includes behaviors that cause unnecessary pain or distress to the animal. They range from basic care neglect to malicious murder. This unnecessary abuse has become a social problem of great dimension.

This unnecessary abuse can be considered as a disease to be treated, but beyond that we must consider that the Laws are needed to end this.

The problem of abandoned dogs is complex but not difficult to solve, the Netherlands have solved the problem, there are no more stray dogs. And how they did it? With massive and free sterilization campaigns for animals. Creating one of the toughest Laws against animal abuse in Europe, with fines for neglect and abuse that can exceed 16,000 Euros and even batterers may end up with a jail term of three years, at best. Another measure was to establish high taxes on the purchase of purebred dogs, discouraging business around animal husbandry, while promoting animal adoption.

Holland is a great example to follow, that is why I ask my Government to take the same measures as this country to end once and for all animal abuse.


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