Stop Bullfighting!

Stop Bullfighting!

people signed. Let's get to 50,000!

Stop Bullfighting!

Addressed to: Government of Spain

As everyone knows the abuse and slaughter of thousands of these animals is become an activity commonly performed in order to obtain money and that visitors came to these regions where these events take place. Viewers seeking fun to observe certain abuses in the body of these innocent animals but do not think about the pain they suffer.

The right to life, without torture and inhuman treatment is not for everyone and therefore no one should be a victim of these cruel spectacles in which the order of these is the sacrifice of the animal and the fun of all viewers.

Therefore it is desirable that these shows will not continue to perform and that the life of these animals do not be in danger anymore.


The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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