We demand the government to enforce the law against animal abuse

We demand the government to enforce the law against animal abuse Closed

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We demand the government to enforce the law against animal abuse

Addressed to: President Michelle Bachelet

Because there is supposedly a law in Chile, but has made her blind eye, leaving dog violators go unpunished, animal abuse, exploitation, in any way. Sale of animals, forced labor for horses, dog fighting. But many people are not aware of it, so to a violation of animal rights people do not know how to act.


The Law on Animal Protection in Chile leaves much to be desired, especially if we consider that the penalties for those who do not meet this does not exceed 3 years imprisonment or worse, only reduced to fines of up to 50 UTM, which demonstrates the legal unconcern of the animals in our country, but also must enforce it all, citizens and the government, always.

And the state does nothing about it. We are individuals and foundations; who by our means we do what we can.

And the state has not acted.

The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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