We Need Public Veterinary Hospitals for All Animals

We Need Public Veterinary Hospitals for All Animals

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We Need Public Veterinary Hospitals for All Animals

Addressed to: Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires

We can save many lives of animals and we can also avoid having so many animals on the streets in poor condition uncastrated. There is no being more companion than them, they deserve it.

Many people do not have the money to care for their pets at a veterinarian, and end up abandoning them to their fate. A Public Veterinary Hospital would lower the number of abandoned animals as they could be sterilize for free and cure them so they do not end up being abandoned.

It is something we urgently need, so I ask the Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires to make an effort and build the first Public Veterinary Hospital in our country.


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Reasons for signing

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