
Animal rights

The Madrid City Council prohibits circuses with wild animals!

Victory reached on Jan 31, 2017

The Madrid City Council prohibits circuses with wild animals!

The City Council of Madrid happens to comprise of the more than 300 Town halls that have prohibited the circuses set up to profit from the suffering of the animals.

The new text prohibits "the installation in the municipality of Madrid of circuses that display wild animals in their shows, both on public and private land." A new regulation will now be developed involving animal protection associations alongside Political parties and the government of Madrid which will prioritize the right of animals "to be respected, not to be victims of ill-treatment and not to be subjected to cruel efforts or acts that cause them suffering, anxiety or stress."

Thanks to all who signed, thanks to all animal protection associations like Ecologists in Action, and to all society that is unconditionally supporting this fight that is everyone's.

The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Original petition

Addressed to: Government of Madrid

Circuses must stop using animals in their shows

Because they deserve a decent life, and because circuses can give a very good show without having the animals as prisoners.

That is why, and for many more reasons, we demand the Government of Madrid and all circuses not to use more animals, from the Government Laws are needed to protect them, and from the Circus people are needed who love animals and that they deliver them to Sanctuaries so that they are not used again for money.

We must react, we are in the XXI Century and we still use animals to make money at the cost of their suffering and their lives.

For Circuses without animals throughout the Community of Madrid, I sign this petition!


The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

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