Avoid more animals to be tortured and killed for fur coats

Avoid more animals to be tortured and killed for fur coats

people signed. Let's get to 20,000!

Avoid more animals to be tortured and killed for fur coats

Addressed to: Government of Brazil and 1 more

I believe that animals should not be tortured and killed for people to use their fur as a luxury item. Fashion designers make money with the death of innocents, and ladies shown like the lives of foxes, chinchillas, baby seals and several others are not important, as if they felt no pain or suffer.

The animals were created to decorate the nature with its colors and types of fur, feathers and different skins, with their exuberance and beauty were not made for man, this brute beast that destroys all that is beautiful on earth.

Greenpeace and other organizations ask and I ask all you to sign this petition so we can save more innocent lives and end this wanton carnage wrought by man.

Thanks in advance!


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Reasons for signing

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