Close the OIiscan shelter in Torredembarra. Save all the animals that are there

Close the OIiscan shelter in Torredembarra. Save all the animals that are there Closed

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Close the OIiscan shelter in Torredembarra. Save all the animals that are there

Addressed to: Mayor of Torredembarra Eduard Rovira

Oliscan is the animal shelter of Torredembarra that have to take care of abandoned and abused dogs. If you see how those poor animals are living, it's painful, just to say they would be better on the street. Small cages for large dogs, dirty, without water or food, and those who are there suffer a lot, and the people in charge just put their hands to receive grants and donations.

I love animals and they do not deserve that after being abandoned and abused, we animalistic, take them there.

I create this petition to loudly ask for help, so the Mayor can close it and those animals are moved to a better place. We need to get them out of that place, they are worse there. Please help by signing this to close or change owners of this terrible place.


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