For the approval of a Law against bullfights and condemnation of animal abuse

For the approval of a Law against bullfights and condemnation of animal abuse

people signed. Let's get to 20,000!

For the approval of a Law against bullfights and condemnation of animal abuse

Addressed to: Congress of Deputies and 9 more

I really have thought a lot if I share this video, because I noticed, and I tell you truly, that what you will see is very hard to see, but I need to share it.

Now that all political parties are busy with the ok to the investiture, or new elections, new commitments, change things, bla bla bla bla bla, to see if they also fill their mouth to prohibit, and I say it loud and clear, to prohibit this kind of slaughter and savagery in the animal world.

In general I do not care if the animal is a cat, dog or any other animal, they all have the right to live and to be happy, to receive love and affection, respect and not being abused by people like the ones in the video. But I do not know it hurts me more, to see the animal suffering or see those who kill the animal being applauded and cheered by the people in the arena.

So here I say publicly that as long as long as things continue like this, I refuse to vote for a political party, while there is no Law prohibiting all this and condemn those who do it.

PACMA video of the Becerrada


The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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