Free castrations for shantytowns of Uruguay and punish the people who don't castrates their pets

Free castrations for shantytowns of Uruguay and punish the people who don't castrates their pets Closed

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Free castrations for shantytowns of Uruguay and punish the people who don't castrates their pets

Addressed to: President of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay Tabare Vazquez

The over population of dogs and cats, is the cause that so many are in poor conditions: malnutrition, hypothermia, diseases, among other features. In the poorest neighborhoods of Uruguay we can see that the amount of stray animals is huge and growing, this is due to two reasons: number one, not all these dogs have owners and are considered "friendly neighborhood pets"; Second, people who have pets do not possess the necessary capital to neuter their animals nor to have them in a place where they cannot escape, or many of these through the streets all day, and as instinct mate with other animals, these offspring grow in the streets and end up being these animals in such bad shape. The best solution to this problem is that a group of veterinarians castrate these animals; it mandatory and sanctioned if they do not, as many owners do not think this is an important issue.

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