Jail for the abuser and murderer of Alhue

Jail for the abuser and murderer of Alhue Closed

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Jail for the abuser and murderer of Alhue

Addressed to: Government of Chile

In Chile there is the law of animal abuse, but still has not been paid the maximum penalty that the law stipulates that it is the prison, although they are days of imprisonment, it is necessary that the following case of abuse is decreed the penalty, so animal lovers of Chile choose prison for this inhuman and mercilessly murderer who drag this puppy with his truck and who is currently a fugitive from justice.

The incident occurred in the town of Alhue, Melipilla, around 17.00,  where the only witness to this murder, while driving down the road aware that a white van had hanging a dog that was being dragged, surely one you think that the dog fell from the truck but when the witness approached to the van the man sped and this produced the wheels of the vehicle to cut the back legs of the puppy. We demand prison and justice for the can and that this case serves as an example that justice is hard in cases of animal abuse.

Here the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BeNS15OKdg

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