Laws must be changed, more rights for animals, and an exclusive police for animals

Laws must be changed, more rights for animals, and an exclusive police for animals

people signed. Let's get to 50,000!

Laws must be changed, more rights for animals, and an exclusive police for animals

Addressed to: Government of Spain

I see that we really need immediate help for all animals of any race, species or condition. They need rights to all kinds of animal.

What an irony, people say they love them but then I see that animals are used for all kinds of spectacle in which people mistreat and even murder them. This world could be paradise, but they are people who do not let this happen.

Tougher Laws and an exclusive police for abuse cases. The order is simple, just look at how animals are treated in different parts of the country to know what is needed.

People like the ones of the pigs farm received only a year for everything they did to those animals, is a shame for them, and for thousands of other cases, that is why tougher Laws are needed.

Stop animal abuse, tougher Laws and a Police for such cases.


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Reasons for signing

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