Stop the selling of dogs and donkeys to China, we don't want this agreement

Stop the selling of dogs and donkeys to China, we don't want this agreement

people signed. Let's get to 20,000!

Stop the selling of dogs and donkeys to China, we don't want this agreement

Addressed to: Government of Egypt and 1 more

Government of Egypt agree to sell donkeys and dogs to China, when we all know we are signing petitions to stop China to kill dogs, now they are looking to buy  from Egypt, the agreement is already signed.

Egypt only want  to clean their streets from poor strays dogs. Now we know dogs will disappear because people will like to make money from them, it will be out of control.

That is why I ask you to help me avoid our Government to send dogs to China, we all know that they will end up being eaten.


The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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