Punishment for those who mistreat animals

Punishment for those who mistreat animals

people signed. Let's get to 50,000!

Punishment for those who mistreat animals

Addressed to: Government of Venezuela and 1 more

Because I love animals and I really don't like that mistreat. They give love without expecting anything in return.

The changes we need must begin from the above, from the Government, leading by example, which is why we need to benefit animals with Laws to defend them at the enormity of cases of animal abuse in the country.

Just go outside to see stray animals, with scabies, rabies, abused, run over, all abandoned by their owners, all trying to survive this world that seem to not want them, also being abandoned by a State who do not cares anything about them.

Abuse, neglect, murder, and we keep wondering why nobody does nothing? Why the only people who care about animals are the ones who do not have power?

I want you to tell me that if you are going to do something that the Government will enact Laws to defend them. Today I want to ask for Laws to protect animals and condemn abuse.

Help me in my fight!


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Reasons for signing

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