Stop the abuse and exploitation of fur coats made of bears, raccoons, dogs, foxes, etc.

Stop the abuse and exploitation of fur coats made of bears, raccoons, dogs, foxes, etc.

people signed. Let's get to 50,000!

Stop the abuse and exploitation of fur coats made of bears, raccoons, dogs, foxes, etc.

Addressed to: National Government and 1 more

Because they are living things and also suffer to pass this procedure that end with their lives in such a ruthless and unscrupulous way. We must put a stop to this, we must do something, we cannot continue to allow the animals to be murdered by the unnecessary luxury of a few people who use them as clothing.

Every year around the world more than 140 million animals die for their skins and furs for the manufacture of clothing, footwear and other items such as handbags, luggage and wallets. Not all of these animals are killed for their skins, since about 80 million animals die in non-selective traps, which makes these animals just die a cruel, merciless and painful way for absolutely nothing.

Many species have become extinct by this business of blood, such as sea minks or Malvinas foxes, and many others are highly endangered, such as the ocelot, beaver, sea otter, tiger, jaguar, and many more.

That is why we ask the Government to ban the hunting of animals, breeding animals for economic purposes for the fur industry and the manufacture and sale of any product that made from animal pelts.

People who like to buy coats made of animal skins NOT TAKE ONLY THE COAT, ALSO TAKE THE REST OF THE ANIMAL!


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Reasons for signing

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