Find a solution to the abuse of horses

Find a solution to the abuse of horses

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Find a solution to the abuse of horses

Addressed to: Municipal President Maricela Serrano

In the Horn of Zoquiapan community, belonging to the municipality of Ixtapaluca, State of Mexico, its inhabitants who previously were engaged in making partitions, due to the scarcity of their raw material found a source of subsistence in garbage collection of nearby housing areas.

The problem lies in the treatment they give their animals, which are their working tool, in addition to traveling long distances; if I mention that the housing area called San Buenaventura that many of its roads have slopes inclines and HORSES ARE FORCED to go up or down these without importing all the weight they carry in their carts. Many of them are rented for 100.00 MN a day, many of the people who rent the animals are inhumane with the treatment they are given, since in addition to the previous problems, they are beaten aggressively, causing injuries.

Many of the HORSES (horses, donkeys and mules) are injured or the females are pregnant within days of calving, not to mention that sometimes they are very young and therefore have less resistance, causing them even more damage.

What I propose as an option is to employ these people, since they are not aware of the damage they cause to equines, many of them have problems of drug addiction, it is a marginalized community because they want it, because some civil associations have provided help, not knowing how to value the work they are doing for the welfare of the community itself.


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