Prison for the killers of a baby cougar

Prison for the killers of a baby cougar

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Prison for the killers of a baby cougar

Addressed to: and 3 more

They tortured until they killed a baby cougar, raving at the helpless animal that desperately tried to escape from these murderers who call themselves "hunters", who have photos and videos on their Facebook accounts, which show the animals cruelly hunted by they and where they always show themselves laughing and mocking their cruel "feats" of torturing and killing animals.

These individuals violated several laws that protect animals in Argentina, mainly Law: 14,346 that punishes and condemns all types of mistreatment and torture of animals, both domestic and wild.

They also violated National Law 22,421 on the Conservation and Protection of Wildlife, which sanctions acts of cruelty towards the country's native animals.

This National Law: 22,421 stipulates that the Puma is declared an animal of Public Interest, being the second largest feline in the national territory, after the yaguareté.

This beautiful animal is in danger of extinction and almost all the governments of the Argentine cities protect it, except for the Provinces of Río Negro and Santa Cruz where they consider it a "dangerous and nefarious species ..." even endorsing payments like " Prize "to hunters for killing Pumas and Guanacos, in the case of the Government of Río Negro. Which is a true shame what they do with these two species of animals.

These subjects already identified; not only did they violate Law 14,346 but also the Law cited above; 22,421 where they clearly violate what is cited in art. 4 that sanctions all types of hunting, harassment, capture or destruction of their young ... "

We request the Government of the Argentine Nation, the government of the Province of Santa Fe and all the Judicial Institutions of the country to "PROHIBIT, PUNISH AND CONDEMN THE PUMP HUNTING IN ALL THE ARGENTINA".

We request the maximum penalty established by the Criminal Code of the Law: 14,346 with one year in prison for the subjects already identified, for torturing and murdering a Puma puppy.

These killers must be punished and condemned for this act of extreme cruelty and sadism.


The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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