We denounce the illegal slaughter of several lambs in a residential building in Almoradí (Alicante)

We denounce the illegal slaughter of several lambs in a residential building in Almoradí (Alicante)

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We denounce the illegal slaughter of several lambs in a residential building in Almoradí (Alicante)

Addressed to: Alicante Town Hall

The Feast of the Lamb or Aid el Kebir is a horrible tradition, which takes place between July 31 and August 2, in which hundreds of thousands of lambs are slaughtered by the halal rite, without being stunned prior to the moment of slaughter. . We have been demanding the prohibition of this cruel rite for years and, until then, we have denounced every irregularity through legal channels. For this reason, we have filed a complaint with Seprona for the illegal slaughter of several lambs in the common area of ​​a building in Almoradí (Alicante).

The execution of animals for human consumption is an unnecessary cruelty in itself, but it is even more reprehensible when it is carried out irregularly, without prior stunning, involving immense added suffering for the lambs. That is precisely what happened in a building in Almoradí last July, where several lambs were executed in the common areas of the building without applying any stunning before their disgorgement.

We have denounced the facts for a possible crime against the protection of fauna and domestic animals, in addition to constituting a possible health crime.

Culture or religion are no excuse for animal abuse

We cannot tolerate cultural and religious exceptions that violate the scant and insufficient protection that the law grants to animals destined for consumption. Regulation CE 1099/2009, on the protection of animals at the time of slaughter, requires stunning prior to the death of all animals, or their slaughter in slaughterhouses if it is to be carried out by the halal rite.

This exception allows lambs to be slaughtered, cutting the jugular veins, carotid arteries, trachea, and esophagus while fully conscious. Several studies show that they do not reach deep unconsciousness until after 220 seconds of immense agony and pain.

The suffering of an animal cannot be subordinated to traditions and cultures. The law can no longer allow these types of rituals that directly attack animal protection laws and are shamefully allowed by administrations.

We demand the prohibition of sacrifice by the halal rite!


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