A train line or subway from São Paulo to Cotia

A train line or subway from São Paulo to Cotia

people signed. Let's get to 10,000!

A train line or subway from São Paulo to Cotia

Addressed to: Government of the State of São Paulo

We urgently need a metro or train line that connects São Paulo with Cotia. The Raposo Tavares highway is overloaded with vehicles, where we spend hours and hours stopping in heavy traffic both to get to our work and to return to our homes. With the increase of residential buildings along the Raposo Tavares road, the traffic has become unbearable since we do not have a decent transport. We take the bus in terrible conditions of use, and full every day.

With a train or subway line, we could take many vehicles off the road and improve traffic.

We ask for help, because we can not stand to spend a good part of our days imprisoned in an unbearable traffic.

I already appreciate it.


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Reasons for signing

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