Go on a sterilization drive in the city. Too many stray cats and dogs who produce pups and kittens all the time

Go on a sterilization drive in the city. Too many stray cats and dogs who produce pups and kittens all the time

people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Go on a sterilization drive in the city. Too many stray cats and dogs who produce pups and kittens all the time

Addressed to: The Mayor of Kolkata

Kolkata is a very congested city, people and unimaginable traffic that must be terrifying for little animals who in many cases are left motherless because the mothers have died. Were a sterilization drive to take place, relentlessly every year, soon the number of strays will come down to a manageable number.

The average person in Kolkata is very tolerant of animals and they feed stray dogs and cats. But the numbers that exist are so enormous that there just isn't enough to go round. There are a number of NGOs who work round the clock but I feel that the Government needs to step in and take care of the issue.


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Reasons for signing

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