Prevent dogs from circulating along the road causing risk to animals and also avoiding the risk of serious accidents

Prevent dogs from circulating along the road causing risk to animals and also avoiding the risk of serious accidents

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Prevent dogs from circulating along the road causing risk to animals and also avoiding the risk of serious accidents

Addressed to: Government of the State of São Paulo and 4 more

There is a lot of traffic on the Fernão Dias Highway, on the stretch between São Paulo to Bragança Paulista, and I was able to witness several situations of dead dogs or circulating in an attempt to cross the Route between heavy traffic. I also witnessed cars trying to dodge the animals so as not to run over them, with the danger that entails. The stretch to which I refer belongs to the municipalities of São Paulo and Guarulhos, where there are communities at the margins of the route. I already sent a request to Arteris, the highway concessionaire who manages the Fernão Dias, without getting any response.


1- To evaluate measures, such as fences or other more appropriate, that prevent the movement of animals on the highway (transit engineering has the form of evaluating technically what is more viable);

2 - It is also necessary that the Municipalities of São Paulo and Guarulhos activate Zoonoses so that work is done in the Communities for the castration of animals, guidelines and measures for responsible care, intervention in situations of mistreatment and negligence of animals.

These measures will prevent serious and fatal road accidents and a financial and mainly human economy in the preservation of life and of probable deficiencies.


The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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